What Is a Stipulated Sum Agreement Contract

A stipulated sum agreement contract is a construction contract between an owner and a contractor. In this type of contract, the owner and the contractor agree on a fixed price for the construction project. The stipulated sum agreement contract specifies the total amount of money that the owner will pay the contractor to complete the project.

The stipulated sum agreement contract is also known as a lump-sum contract. The contract is used when the scope and requirements of the project are well-defined. Both the owner and the contractor agree on the scope of work and the quality standards that must be met. The contract also outlines the timeframe in which the project must be completed.

This agreement is often used in construction projects that have already been designed by an architect or engineer. The design is already completed, and the contractor is responsible for delivering the finished product according to the specifications.

The stipulated sum agreement contract is beneficial to the owner because it provides a fixed cost for the project. The owner knows the total price of the project before it begins, which helps with budgeting and financial planning. The contractor also benefits from this agreement because they have a clear understanding of the scope of work and the timeline for completion.

However, one disadvantage of the stipulated sum agreement contract is that any changes to the scope of work or the specifications of the project may result in additional costs. If the owner requests changes or if unforeseen issues arise during construction, the contractor may need to renegotiate the contract, resulting in additional expenses.

In conclusion, the stipulated sum agreement contract is a fixed-price agreement between an owner and a contractor for a construction project. It is beneficial to both parties as it provides clarity on the scope of work and the timeline for completion. However, any changes may result in additional costs, so it`s important to ensure that the scope and specifications of the project are well-defined before entering into this type of agreement.

About the Author

Deepak Ghatkar

Joint Secretary, MLSA, Maharashtra State and Founder Member of Mahavidhi Law Students Assocation, Maharashtra.

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