What Is Meant by Delhi Agreement

The Delhi Agreement refers to a historic agreement that was signed between India and Pakistan on August 28, 1973, in the Indian capital city of Delhi. The agreement provided for the release of prisoners of war and the return of occupied territories following the India-Pakistan war of 1971. The Delhi Agreement was a significant milestone in the history of both countries as it marked a turning point in their relations and paved the way for peace negotiations between the two nations.

The India-Pakistan war of 1971 was a bloody conflict that lasted for almost two weeks. The conflict was fought between the two nations over the issue of East Pakistan, which later became Bangladesh. India supported the East Pakistanis in their fight for independence, while Pakistan attempted to quash the rebellion by force. The war resulted in a crushing defeat for Pakistan, which led to the surrender of over 90,000 Pakistani soldiers.

The Delhi Agreement was signed between the then Prime Minister of India, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, and the President of Pakistan, Mr. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. The agreement provided for the release of prisoners of war held by both countries and the return of occupied territories that were captured during the war. The agreement also provided for the repatriation of interned civilians and the search for the missing in action.

The Delhi Agreement was hailed as a significant breakthrough in the history of the subcontinent, and it helped to ease the tension between the two nations. The agreement was a significant step towards peace and stability in the region, and it paved the way for further peace negotiations between India and Pakistan. The agreement also provided a blueprint for resolving future conflicts between the two nations and established a framework for ongoing peace talks.

In conclusion, the Delhi Agreement was a seminal moment in the history of both India and Pakistan. The agreement provided for the release of prisoners of war and the return of occupied territories following the India-Pakistan war of 1971. The Delhi Agreement remains a symbol of hope and cooperation between the two nations, and it continues to serve as a key reference point for peace negotiations between India and Pakistan.

About the Author

Deepak Ghatkar

Joint Secretary, MLSA, Maharashtra State and Founder Member of Mahavidhi Law Students Assocation, Maharashtra.

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